Quality of life at work

Quality of life at work

The Quality of Life at Work (QLW) concept “describes and gathers under one sole heading all actions that help to all together conciliate the improvement of employees working conditions and the company’s overall performances, specifically in a context of transformation of their organizations.”  (ANI QVT-EP 2013).

Absenteism, sickness leave, drop of individual motivation and productivity, the cost mal being at work is estimated to be higher than 13 000 euros per annum and per headcount (IBET(c) cabinet Mozart Consulting-2019), ie 30% of average manpower costs.

What are your working and employment conditions?

In which environment ?
Which off the job living conditions ?
Which employment conditions ?

What are your modes of communication and actions

Social partnership
Managerial support
Group support

What contents within the job?

Work value
Learning work

Our process

In line with the learning process in in consulting, training, coaching and accompanying, the academical and operational experience of OGHEO consultants let them support all organizations in:


1-Recognize weak signals

2-Build the relevant governance

3-Sensibilize then train all hierarchical levels of the company

4-Improve the managerial competencies to ensure quality focus interventions of all agents

All of this with the purpose to preserve the Human being and keep him at the heart of your projects.